In the face of the rising perils threatening the balance of our societies and our common good, which is global peace, Leaders for Peace aims to provide a response that is both political and educational, grounded in inclusive multilateral action, respectful dialogue, and education for all. With over half a million people falling victim to armed conflicts and terrorism each year, and several hundred million young people lacking access to education, it is imperative to rethink global organization by placing genuine multilateral cooperation at its core. As both a think tank and a structure for operational initiatives, the non-governmental organization Leaders for Peace brings together over 40 prominent figures with extensive experience in crises and a diversity of perspectives. Around these recognized and committed leaders, Leaders for Peace offers a reflection in service of peace and the common good, with a shared goal: the reduction of conflicts through prevention, education, and early warning.
Developing a strategic reflection on peace involves promoting a pedagogy of peace aimed at both public opinion and decision-makers to raise awareness and consciousness regarding the dangers of the world and certain emerging crises.
Proposing innovative solutions to promote dialogue within conflict as extensively as possible.
Mobilizing decision-makers and civil society through an influential strategy targeting topics identified annually by the board of leaders
Organizing alert actions through the publication of our annual report and entrusting this pedagogy to recognized leaders known for their independence and moral authority.